New Line Cinema’s It trailer proves there might be a reason to have a phobia about clowns

Sometimes, it’s not crazy to be afraid of clowns. New Line Cinema’s trailer for Andrés Muschietti’s adaptation of Stephen King’s classic horror novel It, proves that. The film brings King’s story to the big screen for the first time, but it’s not the first adaptation as the Tim Curry starring TV miniseries in the 90’s holds that…

Danger is descending upon paradise in the new Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets trailer

Welcome to Alpha, the city of a thousand plants where various species have shared their knowledge & intelligence for hundreds of years to create a paradise. A paradise that is in danger. That is the central premise established in the all-new official trailer for Luc Besson’s Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, a adaptation of…

Iron Man, Vulture & the trials to becoming a hero feature in the new Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer

Months after the first look at Spider-Man’s first solo adventure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sony Pictures & Marvel Studios have released a brand new Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer. In this one we get a much more in-depth look at the web-head’s new life and more about his high-flying foe the Vulture. For those that felt Iron Man played…

Sony & Marvel serve up a second Spider-Man: Homecoming poster

It’s been a pretty big week when it comes to movie posters, studios all choosing to throw them out within a few days or hours of one another, and Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios have tossed out their second Spider-Man: Homecoming poster of the day. While the first poster featured Spider-Man relaxing before with the city behind…