Lena Luthor makes her way to National City as “Supergirl” adds Katie McGrath to the cast

Katie McGrath

When Supergirl debuts for it’s second season on new home The CW, Kara may have a very unlikely new friend or foe. TV Line is reporting that Katie McGrath (Marlin, Dracula) has been cast in the role of Lena Luthor, the little sister of Superman’s longtime foe and sometimes ally.

McGrath’s role on the series is a recurring one and is described by TV Line as the following:

Beautiful, powerful, and enigmatic, Lena arrives in National City on the heels of brother Lex’s incarceration hoping for a fresh start. Lena has taken over as
CEO of her family’s billion-dollar-tech company, Luthor Corp, which has been tarnished by Lex’s evil infamy. Her goal? To re-brand the empire as a force for good. Lena wants to be seen as her own person, separate from her brother. Kara is drawn into Lena’s sphere and must determine if she is friend or foe.

The addition of McGrath is just one of many new characters set to appear on the show as it changes networks, leaving behind it’s original home on CBS, including Tyler Hoechlin guest starring as Superman, Ian Gomez as CatCo Editor in Chief Snapper Carr, Floriana Lima as Detective Maggie Sawyer and original Wonder Woman actress Lynda Carter appearing as the President of the United States. Another cast change is that original series regular Calista Flockhart, who plays Cat Grant, is returning but her role is being changed to that of a recurring guest star.

Supergirl makes it’s The CW debut for season two on October 10.



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