SDCC: The LEGO Dark Knight unmasks in new “The LEGO Batman Movie” poster

Warner Bros. continues to roll out the posters for their upcoming docket of films that will be showcased at San Diego Comic Con this weekend, as Will Arnett has shared a brand new poster for next year’s The LEGO Batman Movie.

Arnett, who of course voiced the LEGO version of Batman in The LEGO Movie and will do so again in the spinoff film, shared the poster through Twitter. Unlike the previous teaser trailers and posters, this one gives a look at the LEGO Bruce Wayne that is under the cowl.

The LEGO Batman Movie Poster

Directed by Chris McKay, the spinoff films stars Arnett as Batman, Zach Galifianakis as the Joker, Michael Cera as Robin, Rosario Dawson as Batgirl, Ralph Fiennes as Alfred and Mariah Carey as Commissioner Gordon. The LEGO Batman Movie arrives in theaters on February 10, 2017.


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